Our blogs

Skipton Castle

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 12:20pm

Sapphire Class visited Skipton Castle. We had a wonderful time. We explored the banqueting hall. the kitchen and even the dungeon!

Oldham Music Festival

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 9:38pm

Year 3 Coral class and our school choir attended the Oldham Music Festival with a selection of schools from the Oldham area on Monday. The children had a wonderful, time taking part in some vocal warm-ups, harmonising and singing their hearts out with added actions. Well done to all the pupils that took part!

Reception’s trip to the farm

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 5:24pm

Reception had a brilliant trip to Lancaster farm. We travelled there by the number 59 bus and saw lots of different farm animals. We even got to feed lots like Mr Mustachio the horse, the tortoises, goats, geese. We also held Harry the rat!

Y6 - Crucial Crew

Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 2:25pm

Y4 - Halle Trip

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 12:21pm

Digital and Analogue Clocks

Date: 14th May 2024 @ 2:31pm

Hatching Chicks

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 4:56pm

Living Eggs came to school and gave us an incubator and 10 eggs to watch hatch. After 3 days we noticed that some of the eggs had a crack in them. We carefully watched the eggs and were very excited when they started to hatch. Once all 10 chicks had hatched Mrs Heywood moved them to the brooder box where we were able to observe and hold them.

DT Project - Wire Sculptures

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 12:22pm

In Year 4 we have explored wire sculpture and linked it with our rainforest topic.




Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 12:20pm

As part of our PSHE lessons we have learnt about the importance of brushing our teeth. We talked about what happens if we don't brush our teeth and when and how many times a day a we should brush them. We then used the large teeth and brush to demonstrate out good brushing technique.

Pancake Making

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 11:40am

As part of our English learning we read the story Mama Panya's Pancakes. We wanted to write the instructions for how to make pancakes, so we started by making some delicious pancakes and thinking about what we did and in what order.

Plant walk

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 2:58pm

As part of our Science learning on the topic 'Plants' we went on a walk around school to see what plants we could find. When we got back to the classroom we identified them. We then planted our own beans which we will look after to help them grow.

Germ experiment

Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 2:56pm

In PSHE we are learning about 'Health and Wellbeing'. This week we learnt about germs and how they spread and how they can make us ill.

We used pepper, water and washing up liquid to conduct an experiment which showed us the importance of washing our hand with soap and water to get rid of germs.

Bakery Role Play

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 8:48pm

We have had lots of fun in our new bakery role play area this week. We pretended to be bakers and learnt how to make different types of cakes and patisserie’s. We then pretended to bake them in the microwave and took them to the shop to sell to our friends.

Places people go WOW starter!

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 2:56pm

We have explored three different types of holidays; camping, seaside and sightseeing. Which one was your favourite?

Hospital Role Play

Date: 10th Apr 2024 @ 9:54am

Reception Ruby have had lots of fun learning about being doctors, nurses and paramedics. 

We enjoyed helping our friends and making them feel better in our hospital role play area.

Circus Skills

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 4:41pm

After reading the story 'The Singing Mermaid' Mrs Heywood showed us lots of different circus skills. We had lots of fun and learnt how to juggle with scarves, balance along a rope with a quoit on our heads, ribbon dance and spin plates. 

Making soup!

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 3:59pm

Y2's DT project has been designing and making a healthy soup.

Rainforest posters

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 12:29pm

Today in year 4 we have been looking at ways to prevent deforestation within the Amazon Rainforest. 

Annie Kenney Statue

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 1:58pm

We are learning about important people from the past and how they changed history. We have studied local woman Annie Kenney. She was a leading person in the suffragette movement - trying (and eventually succeeding) in gaining votes for women. 

We walked to the Annie Kenney statue in Oldham town centre. We marched around the statue, just like she would have done on her campaign marches. Then we held up our placards and marched through Oldham shouting our messages! For example "Everyone is equal", "Votes for women", "Be kind". We had a fantastic time!

World Book Day 2024

Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 8:05am

Jack and the Beanstalk

Date: 11th Mar 2024 @ 10:36am

Year 1 visited the Lighthouse Venue in Salford to perform our songs from Jack and the Beanstalk. We had been working very hard to learn the songs and enjoyed joining together with other schools to do our performance.

Nick Sharratt Author visit

Date: 11th Mar 2024 @ 10:34am

We enjoyed a visit from the author Nick Sharratt. He read us his story 'Shark in the Park'. He demonstrated how to draw the pictures from his book and we got the chance to have a go at drawing our own pictures. We were very excited to receive a copy of his book 'Shark in the Park' to keep.

Tropical World

Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 9:29pm

Zog the Dragon

Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 9:49am

Zog the dragon visited Reception. He made a big mess in the classroom and we used the iPads to take photos and videos of the crime scene. He lost his eggs and left us clues. We became detectives and followed the clues to find Zog’s eggs. We found them outside in the house.
We wrote Zog a letter to tell him that we had found his eggs. We then decided to leave Zog’s eggs outside and we built a den to protect them.
Zog came back for the eggs and sent us a photo of the baby dragons that had hatched.

Florence Nightingale Wow Day

Date: 28th Feb 2024 @ 12:41pm

We are learning about important figures from the past and their impact on the world. We came into our classroom to find clues as to who we were learning about; a dirty hospital, pretend rats, pretend dirty bandages, a nurse uniform and a lamp. We then acted in role as Florence Nightingale.