Reception - Ruby Class 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Reception

Our Teachers

This year, the staff in Reception are:

  • Ruby Class = Miss Backhouse supported by Miss Lawless and Mrs Khan


Online Learning 

All children have a login to Purple Mash.  To keep children safe online they have been taught to keep their passwords and logins safe from others. 

Homework will be shared on Purple Mash on a Wednesday linked to book of the week, to be completed by the following Monday.

Children can login to Purple Mash here.


Reading Champions 

Your child will be bringing their reading book home in their book bag every night.  Please read with them as often as you can.  If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will earn a ‘Reading Champion’ sticker and will work towards a termly reward with Mrs Coleman with all of the Reading Champions across Northmoor Academy!

PE and Games

On P.E.days, children should attend school in their uniform and they will change into their P.E kit. 

  • Ruby Class = Wednesday

Our Learning

This year, our topics will be:

  • Me and My Family
  • Night and Day
  • Modern Tales
  • Spring and Growth
  • Animals and their Habitats

Please keep checking our Reception page for further updates about our learning.

Files to Download